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The Best Ways to Care for your Skin this Winter

January 17, 2022

The Best Ways to Care For Your Skin this Winter

It’s no secret that the winter is harsh on your skin. It’s common to be faced with dry, cracked skin when the temperature is so cold outside. This is why it’s so important to take care of your skin this winter, and here are some simple and effective ways to do so!

Use a Heavy Moisturizer
Since the winter cold zaps humidity out of the air, it’s important to up your moisturizing routine. Try opting for a more heavy-duty moisturizer than you would in the summer and use it more often. This applies to more than just your face moisturizer as well. Using hand cream and body lotion is absolutely essential in the winter, especially with the additional hand washing and sanitation we’re doing these days due to COVID-19. Try buying a travel size of your favorite hand lotion and use it after washing or sanitizing your hands. This will prevent them from drying out and causing you any irritation or pain.

heavy moisturizer for dry skin

Wear Gloves Outside
Protecting your hands from the cold winter air is another great way to prevent excessive dryness. Make sure your gloves are soft on the inside and not irritating to the skin. Additionally, if your gloves get wet from snow or precipitation, replace them with a dry pair as soon as possible. Wearing we gloves can cause dry skin and flare ups of conditions such as eczema or psoriasis.

wearing warm gloves outside to help dry skin

Keep Applying Sunscreen
Many people think of sunscreen as merely a summer necessity, but this isn’t true! Just because the temperature is colder, doesn’t mean the sun’s rays are any less powerful. It’s important to keep up your sunscreen routine year-round, especially If you’re planning on spending any lengthy period of time outdoors. So, before you help the kids build a snowman, take the dog for a walk, or go sledding with your family, make sure to apply sunscreen to any area of your body that will be exposed to the sun.

applying sunscreen in the winter time

Try Paraffin Wax Treatments
Using at-home treatments to rebuild your skin’s protective top layer and provide deep moisturization is a wonderful choice in the winter. Paraffin wax treatments are easily completed in the comfort of your own home and provide many important health benefits. Paraffin wax allows moisturizer to deeply penetrate your skin, making the hydration more effective and longer lasting. In addition to skin health, paraffin wax treatments are extremely helpful for relieving joint and muscle pain as well. Many people who suffer from chronic joint pain or arthritis report that the winter cold can flare up their symptoms. The heat therapy treatments of paraffin wax will help relax and loosen your joints, alleviating any pain or stiffness.

performing paraffin wax treatments to help dry cracked skin

Get a Humidifier
Most heating systems in homes draw moister out of the air, leaving you and your skin very dry and dehydrated. Consider buying a humidifier to use in the winter, as it will help raise the humidity level in the air and keep you hydrated. It is best to use the humidifier in whichever room you spend the most time. This can be your bedroom as you sleep, or maybe a home office if you work from home.

using a humidifier in the winter time

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